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Contractors & Developers

Des Moines Water Works values a strong working relationship with the plumbing and contractor community. Plumbers performing work for Des Moines Water Works or customers of Des Moines Water Works should call (515) 283-8700 at least one business day prior to the requested date of the tap. Plumbers will be asked to provide the following information:

  1. Original or faxed copy of a surety bond with a minimum value of $20,000 (bond must be updated yearly unless it is a continuous bond)
  2. Plumbing permit number from City or County where project is located
  3. Plumber’s billing information, including a contact name and telephone number
  4. Property address where project is located and whether the tap is a new tap or replacement tap

 In addition, the plumber may not have any delinquent charges owed to DMWW.

Application for water service in Runnells, Alleman, Cumming and unincorporated areas of Polk County must be made with the Engineering Department at (515) 323-6204.

All taps greater than 1” must be pre-approved by DMWW’s Engineering Department. More information can be found on the Large Tap Application page.  


There are two fees associated with taps:

  1. Tap Fee:  The tap fee will always be billed to the plumber. Tap fee charges are based on the size of the connection and can be found on Tap Fee page.
  2. System Development Fee:  A separate contractor/property owner may be billed the System development fee.  Contact information must be provided for the contractor/property owner so DMWW can verify they are accepting charges.  System development fees are based on the size of the connection and the service area.  A listing of these charges can be found on the System Development Fees page.

In most cases, a system development fee is not charged for 1” replacement taps made within five years of disconnection from DMWW’s main.

Tap Completion

Once all of the information above is provided, the plumber is ready to schedule the tap:

  1. Call DMWW Water Distribution at (515) 283-8772
  2. DMWW will verify the permit number
  3. DMWW will verify whether it is a new tap or a replacement tap

The tap will be scheduled for the next available time unless a specific date and window of time (AM or PM) is requested. All requests require a 24-hour notice.

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